Thursday, September 19, 2013


Thanks for stopping by! I am working on a first post (I mean, I guess THIS is technically my first post...), so in the meantime check out Jim Wallis (from Sojourners magazine) and his idea of the Common Good. I love his perspective, and am encouraged by his words. 

I'm praying these days that God can use me to seek justice where I am. That I seek his goals through my work and his leading, not my goals through my own work and selfish desires.

I also pray for new eyes as I watch the news, and participate in political culture. That I will see Jesus working in ways I have never seen,  on the right, on the left and in all that has fallen through the cracks in between. 

"What's Right and what works is more important than what's left and what's right."- Jim Wallis

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